Friday, September 10, 2010

Going back to basics.

I guess you are really saying to yourself,"What is Fotoconcept going to do next?"Well it seems that I had to get a new camera. My DSLR power switch was broken and being that it's a Minolta, getting it repaired is going to be tedious. So I went online and found me a film camera, Minolta of course so I can still use my lenses, and now I am in the process of starting over with film. I notice that a lot of places don't develop film. One place, I will not say, said it will take a week for my images to come back. But I have a place that will have them for me in a day. This is going to be interesting shooting film instead of digital. Kinda takes me back to when I was in high school shooting black and white and was not able to see the shot instantly from the back. The anticipation of getting them back from the developer and seeing them will bring back the old days. Keep an eye out, I plan on shooting my model Zekea Steward in my upcoming shoot. "Stay in Focus!"

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