Sunday, November 29, 2009

This year we were giving out plates of food to the people who may not have a Happy Thanksgiving like the rest of us. The gesture was so rewarding. We went to three destinations and handed out 100 dinners. I was also happy to see that we were not the only ones helping out, may G-D bless them for their effort. This Christmas we will be back out to hand out more plates for the people. See a need fill a need. Let's fill the world with LOVE, and let them know that G-D is with them.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

My new umbrella set-up

Recently I received in the mail my new wireless trigger system for my speedlite set-up. I got the idea from this website They deal with only speedlite set-ups, and how to light your subject as cheaply (economically, or how ever you want to say it) as possible. With this system I can shoot out doors with out bulky batteries or extension cords. With this system I am able to do more, just like the big name photographers with their big budgets and fancy equipment. I now have the power to produce great photos at low cost, sounds good right, "I KNOW!!" I ordered my trigger, and speedlite bracket from Ebay. I have two of everything so I can have a key and fill light to work with. I have a shot of my grandson sitting on his play chair modeling for me. I can have that dramatic light look and be free to shoot without wires. I highly recommend you to go and become a strobist, the results are outstanding, even in the rain. When I have more shots I will post them. See the Light, Be the Light, Capture the Light! (All shots were taken w/a shoot through umbrella)

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Park Shoot

I was at Warinanko Park in Roselle, NJ. for a shoot with a client of mine Aleia Moore ( 0n the 15th of August. I used natural light w/a reflector to fill. I used the warm side (gold) since she wore very little make-up to give color to her skin. The shoot went very well despite I had no assistant to hold my reflector. I also used a strobe in the areas that I could not reflect the sun. I shot with my minolta 7D and everything came out well. My next shoot, I will let you know. But it only gets better and better. My goal is to support those that need the service, but can not afford the high price that most photographers charge, but receive the same quality. That's favor.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Mini Maglite and you.

You can use any light to get good results. In this picture I used a mini mag light to light the subject. I set my camera to the bulb setting, ISO 100, aperture to f/8, with my camera mounted on a tripod. You want to get the focus of the subject and then turn off all the lights. With my finger over the maglite, I hit the subject with three(3) hits of light, and the results was awesome. I took several shots to check for hardness, and softness of the light. It's clear to see that as long as there's light, things can be capture.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Life Guards

Hats off to the life guards at Avon-By-The-Sea. They were saving lives Friday(7/24/09). The tide was pretty high that day and as usual the beach goers believed they can swim. Rip current is not a joke when it comes to the Jersey shore. You can be pulled out at a twinkle of an eye, and never be seen again. I don't know about you but that is a sad thought being washed ashore miles away from where you were last seen. Earlier this year we lost some people being pulled out, boat accidents,boats capsizing and so forth. We have to pay attention to our surrounding and not taking life for granted, So God bless those who risk their lives to save those who are careless, and unknowing. Thank You!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Re-doing my Business Plan

I started a business on a whim and now nothing is happening. I realize now that I do need a plan. Being that I could'nt figure out how to plan some thing like that, I had a talk with the Lord, and He advised me to seek infomation on how to manage this business. I always thought if you had some clients you had a business. But now that I researched and look into it, there is a lot more to this that meets the eye. How to sell the product, who are your clients, how to market, and most of all how to manage your income. The Lord says seek wise counsel, so look out I am about to enter into the world of Photography, For Real!!!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

White Parties

My first white party was a blast. I was at Damon J's release party and was ask to shoot it. I loved it. Want to do more. The lighting was horrible, but with the proper settings you can pull off shots like the ones in this blog.

Friday, March 27, 2009