Monday, October 31, 2011

Tower Heist Set

Hey everyone.

Some time last year or earlier this year I was making a delivery to Brooklyn via the Bronx. As I was making my way through Queens (L.I.C) I was making a left onto Astoria Blvd when I noticed a movie set. So as a photog-truck driver I tried to get a shot of the set. Well wouldn't you know by doing so I run over a NYC taxi cab. Yep, I had an accident trying to get a shot. Well as I was getting my truck out the way, by the request of the producer, he told me that Eddie Murphy and Ben Stiller was on set. WHAT! I park the truck exchange info with cabbie and started shooting. This was my first, well not first I have a shot of Fran Dressler and Judy Gold, but this was Eddie and Ben. I shot as many photos as I could before the police came to take our statements and give us a police report. After that I was there for awhile shooting and watching. I made eye contact with a movie star, cool right. Being that I had my film camera(my digital was broken) i was only able to get 8 or 9 shots of the set and the stars. "Tower Heist" is the movie and because of the accident I was able to stop and observe the set. Now I see why it's important to carry a camera with you, You Never Know When you have to shoot.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Practicing Commercial Work

Hey guys. I was at the house, sitting in the living room and saw a Juicy Contour Cologne bottle my wife got for mother's day sitting on the dining room table. The bottle design is what caught my eye, so I thought I would go ahead and set up and see what I can do with it. As always I treated this shoot as if I were doing it for a client, so I would have a little more care about the results. So I set up with a white foam core base with a yellow background and a single speedlight. A few shots with that look was not too bad. But I think the yellow was causing the liquid to have a yellow tint. Didn't look natural. So I went for the white foam core back, and the results was a lot better. The shot look just like a juicy contour commercial ad. I believe that commercial photography is one the best skills that you can have. The time that it take to do new ideas change backgrounds, and the subject never complain about time or anything is great. Now food maybe a little different, I don't know, but I can't wait to shoot some. I have a friend that makes cakes. Maybe I'll ask her to make me one to shoot. Food can't be that hard. What I used to make this possible, was from a website I found called You can go there and learn how to work with your speedlight off camera. The results are awesome. And you can shoot outdoors without all that expensive bulky equipment, just like a pro. All I used for this shot is one speedlight hooked on to a light stand. The light was positioned down on the product. As you can see the shoot was a good one. So go to STROBIST.COM and get you some info, you'll love it.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

A Broken Heart

When we think of a broken heart we think of sadness, loss, or a bad relationship. In Genesis 37 we read about how Joseph was hated by his brothers, thrown in a hole, pulled out of the hole and sold to a caravan of Ishmaelites (mixed Arabians) who took him to Egypt and sold him as a slave. After that he worked for Potiphar the captain of the guards, which the Lord used Potiphar to take care of Joseph. But he got sent to prison because of false accusation toward him. Now after all this you would think that Joseph be pretty pissed off at a lot of folks. He would definitely be heart broken over all of this. But some how his heart was broken in another way, to humble him so he do God's work. If he would had came out mean spirited, no telling where he'd be. In Psalm 51:17 we read: "My sacrifice (the sacrifice acceptable) to God is a broken spirit; a broken and a contrite heart (broken down with sorrow for sin and humbly and thoroughly penitent), such, O God, You will not despise". No matter what afflictions we encounter in our lives, we must know that they come to humble us and make us wise. Proverb 8:35 says; "for whoever finds me (wisdom) finds life and draws forth and obtains favor from the Lord. That's how Joseph ended up a Prince, in charge over the fate of God's people. We must not become "Broken Hearted", but break that hard shell around it and let the truth and wisdom of God penetrate it so we will be "ABLE" to do His will. In the end Joseph did not take revenge on Potiphar's wife, or his brothers when he was in power. He had a heart of God to forgive and forget, which is a rare quality in this day and age. This world is full of so much hate now, that people are doing in each other over petty and worthless things. I my self was tempted by the enemy to get me to lose my character, but the Holy Spirit helps me to maintain the Jesus in me. I hope this helps you look to the Lord, and turn from the way of the world. Jesus said, that we can have life and have it in abundance. Choose life people and watch what God can do, He will never go back on His word.

Grace and Peace, from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Joy of Photography: Success and Self Discipline

The Joy of Photography: Success and Self Discipline: "To achieve success in photography you must have self discipline. When you work for yourself no one is there to see if you've 'checked-..."